New Year, New You?

Monday 11 January 2016

Happy New Year little Orchids! I'm well aware that this post is near on 2 weeks late and everyone has churned out their New Year posts outlining their resolutions, hopes and dreams for the coming year. I used to do the whole 'new years resolutions' thing but I felt like they didn't work for me personally. It made me feel like a failure when on the second week I've chomped through an entire tub of Celebrations when I've vowed to not eat any more chocolate. Truth.

I turn the ripe old age of 26 this year and it's kind of kick started something in me to complete a challenge list. I've thought long and hard about the goals that I want to achieve before I turn 30 thus being a '30 before 30 challenge'. I want to do a separate post on this so keep a beady eye out for that.

In the meantime, I want to maintain some healthy and realistic goals:

Continue to make my new flat a home

Be healthy - whether that be eating more healthily or making new gains in the gym

Be more adventurous

Cook more good food

Explore Scotland more

So, here are some of my 2016 goals! What are your resolutions this year?



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