I have just attempted an epic burger challenge as I write this. You can probably tell, but I failed miserably and now my belly is close to exploding. The diet starts tomorrow.
I came off call this week so the weekend has just been catching up on sleep and trying to make the most of my free time. Most of it has been spent organising a wee sleepover for my little sisters at the flat. We had a great night playing Dreamphone, watching movies and X Factor. Was a rather nice relaxing evening and I still managed to get into my bed by 10pm. Bonus.
I caught up with some of my favourite boys this weekend over some mid-week dining. I don't have a large group of friends and much prefer having a small close knit group of friends that I see regularly. We ate lots of good food and drank delicious mocktails (it was a school night after all).
I put up a bit of a personal post this week about the contraceptive pill. If you haven't read it, you can read it here. I've had some positive feedback on it and would like to know about what you thought about those kinds of posts? Would topics like this appeal to you or would like to read more about on this blog?
I hope you've all had a fabulous weekend and well rested for a brand new week. I'm off to nurse this food baby now.
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