Glasses Direct: Help me choose my new glasses...?

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

I've been wearing glasses ever since I was 17 and always hated getting them out in classes and lectures. But I'm learning to embrace it as I get older! I've been putting off getting a new pair for about a month now (also due to monetary problems!) so I thought it was time to bite the bullet and try out some inexpensive frames.

Glasses Direct is an online company that sells frames at an absolute bargainous price! They also allow you to have a home trial for 7 days as to let you to try some frames in the comfort of your own home with no obligation to buy any of them! Pretty good huh?

This is my second home trial as I didn't like any of the frames I picked out the first time, but I think I might have struck some luck with this batch! They're also doing a 2 for 1 deal on all frames over £55 which means I get a second pair for free! Yay! (Always love a freebie!)

So, lets get started with the choices of my new glasses! (Please excuse my flustered look and a red patch on my lips, I was still drinking my Cherry Powerade from the gym!)

001. Prague. I really like these. Something I would wear more often if I had them! These are current number 1 on my list!

002. Saturn. These are second on my favourite list as they look dangerously similar to the Chanel CH3131 that I was eyeing up at my opticians! With a reasonable price tag, they are the cheaper alternative that I'm willing to spend my money on!

004. Demoiselle. I'm not a big fan of these, I've already put them in the 'no' pile. Not really into the two colour ensemble.

London Retro Carnaby
004. London Retro Carnaby. I must be the only Asian in the world who cannot pull off the geek glasses look! MummyTron think they look nice. I'm not so sure, what do you think? I think they're quite quirky!

So those are the finalists! I've kind of already settled on which one(s) to get but what do you think?



P.S...this is NOT a sponsored post and am no way affiliated with Glasses Direct. I just need a new pair :)


  1. My vote is a toss up between the last 2 frames (in pics) but all look great on you hun:)
    sara xx

  2. I had no idea they let you try them at home, this is such a good idea! I really like Prague and Saturn xx

    1. Pretty good idea isn't it? Those are the ones i like too :)

